Monday, July 12, 2010

First official Day

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Mariel VanOverbeke and I am the new communications intern at Think Detroit PAL. Think Detroit PAL is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to help build character in Detroit's youth through sports and academics. It is currently one of the largest non-profit urban youth leadership programs in the nation, and serves 13,000 youths annually. More information on the organization can be found at the website

A little about myself... I am currently a senior Wayne State University, majoring in Public Relations. I play volleyball for Wayne State and I have done a numerous amounts of sports, anywhere from t-ball to cheerleading, from soccer and now volleyball. I also tried swim for a day. (didn't work out too well for me). Sports are very important to me and I believe in what Think Detroit PAL has to offer for children. Every child should be given the opportunities to play sports.

Anyways, so today is my "official" first day here. I have come in for meetings before as well as coached a volleyball camp in the past for them, but today is the first official day. The person looking over me is Kristen, who is in charge all the communications here at Think Detroit PAL. This organization all together is like a tight knit group of people who are all here to serve the children, and I am very lucky to be a part of it. Everyone working here is extremely welcoming and helpful with any questions that I have. All with a smile on their faces as well I might add. : ) So today was my first day, kinda overwhelming... I got a list of some projects that I will be working on which I am proud to say I have already started, (this blog being one of them). My list of duties include press releases, some social media information as well as some news letter articles. At first it seems pretty overwhelming but I'm sure as time goes on, I will get into the swing of things and hopefully produce some good things. I will keep posting, but for now, I gotta get back to work because this doesn't seem to be work to me : )

Have a great day everyone!!!

You can follow ThinkDetroitPAL on facebook as well as twitter : ) were always looking for followers and friends : ) : )

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations I am SURE you will be an asset to the orginazation......
    Good Luck
    Love You
